Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 3

Ok, so I'm pretty sure this is going to be a long entry so I apologize in

Anyway, today started the same as yesterday, with meditation, morning prayer, and mass followed by breakfast around 7. From there Br. Joseph and I drove to Colorado springs to visit Our Lady of the Angels Friary. I got to meet Brothers Jim (I think) and Felix. There Friary is a little set apart from the others and being so has more of an air of contemplation than direct service to the poor in the community. Which is understandable because all of the Friars who are currently living there are getting along in years.
After we left the Friary, we headed to the Citadel Mall to check out the mall ministry the Friars have there, its pretty cool. With a two rooms for confession and a chapel for mass. I know right?! Mass at the cool!

From there we drove to the Marian house which is a soup kitchen for homeless in the Colorado Springs area. This is where my heart was swelled to 3 times its normal size and nearly broken. For several reasons. When I say we visited there I mean we entered and ate a meal with some of the people who had come off of the streets. We sat down and Br. Joseph began speaking with a young man whom he had known when he did a lot of work with the Marian House. I didn't say much and just began to look around at some of the people who were eating and volunteering by serving food. My heart began to fill with sadness, because as I looked around, yes the people there did physically appear to be in need, and for lack of a better term, disheveled. They also, every one of them, seemed to be OK with where they were. Now I don't know if that is all encompassing as far as where they were individually in their lives, but in that moment, they appeared happy, content in the least. Now if anyone has reason to be upset with the cards they have been dealt, it is these people. I began to think, there is not one thing, ONE THING in my life that I have the right to feel even the least bit upset with. How hypocritical would it be if I say I have a heart for helping the poor and homeless and then complain about how much I don't enjoy my job, which pays me enough to afford the nice things that I have. How can talk to the homeless and even BEGIN to understand ANYTHING that they are feeling, when I have hardly ever had to live without my entire life.

As I continued my introspection I had a thought (which was later confirmed by Br. Joseph). But first, let me say that it is great that there are people including myself that want to provide for the basic needs of people in need, its fantastic. But when it comes to speaking with them, the best thing we can do is to NOT try and fix them, or even tell them inherent truths in their situation. "Blessed are the poor and persecuted..." does not go over well. Telling people those things in times of need, while its true, does nothing for their growth in any way, be it spiritual or even towards a better life. To try and protect someone from feelings of brokenness does nothing to help them. What we should, and what I am trying to learn is to love them IN that brokenness, to be there for them, as an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or a hand to hold. In essence, in failing to do that, it seems we are inadvertently trying to protect ourselves from admitting that there even is brokenness. To convince ourselves that extreme poverty exists far removed from our suburban homes, so far in fact that "there isn't anything I can do to help them..."

A crying shame and a selfish one.

Now that I have stepped off of my soap box I will continue to talk about our day.

After we left the Marian House we stopped in at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and to speak with the very nice Korean woman who worked there. With coffee in hand we drove to...duh duh DUH...the Garden of the Gods. I was unable to take pictures because there was nowhere for us to park, but just google it and you will understand my fascination with this place. I could spend a week there walking around, camping, climbing, what have cool.

After getting lost...twice...trying to get out of this place we headed to Every Home for Christ, and Br. Joseph and I talked about discernment and about what it is and how to approach it and what not. Afterwards we spent some time listening to one of the volunteers sing some original praise and worship music. Unfortunately we did not get to stay long and had to be back at the Friary for evening prayer and such. With Dinner in 30 minutes made by Br. Augustine (chili...yum!) I don't imagine much else will happen this evening.

Oh, I did not get a chance to go to REI today so my Keen's are still wounded, hopefully tomorrow they will get repaired/replaced :)
I know its not a big deal, but I don't want them to fall apart, especially during

Please continue to pray for me as conclude my stay here in the next day and a half!

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